memandangkan besday oren a.k.a hanafi jtuh 30 April ,
so aq nk wish utk dy happy birthday .
Allah slmtkan kamu ,
Allah slmtkan kamu ,
Allah slmtkan Hanafi Rosman ,
Allah slmtkan kamu ;)
happy birthday to you , you're born in the zoo , with monkey and kangaroo , happy birthday to you ;)
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday Hanafi Rosman
Happy Birthday to You.
From good friends and true,
From old friends and new,
May good luck go with you,
And happiness too.
How old are you?
How old are you?
How old, How old
How old are you?
oren ,
eyja wish oren berbahagia di dunia dan akhirat .
smoga oren sntiase ceria dlm menjalani kehidupan .
i know that u can face all the challenges in ur life .
work hard
just step forward n ur dream will b come true .
no matter happened , wherever u are , whatever u do ,
i'll always praying for ur life .
jgn lupa solat , ibu bapa .
smoga oren sntiase ttap pndirian , ttap keimanan .
oren mmg baek doe .
tk sngka bole jumpa oren eh .
thx to nai @ kangen ,
cz gara2 dy laa ,
eyja jumpa kwn yg baek cm oren and ninja [capub nma apis jap]
oke la , tc .
smoga kita akan berkawan smpai bile2 .
amin ;)
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komen biar bijak :) hee