

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Assalamualaikum and hello

ignore the grammatical errors because i'm not good at it .

I really hate when being in fighting or misunderstanding situation especially when people at the other side is really making me tired and get pissed off.

and when he/she says anything, he/she wants it to be correct alllllllllll the time without hearing explaination . hey , I'm tired to explain , I'm tired to being considerate , I'm tired to being tolerate .I'm tired to keep this hurt feelings and crying inside .

when someone is trying to explain , HEAR THEM FIRST . and then decide what is right or wrong . not suddenly making reckless actions, hurt them whenever you like . it's not sooo matured .

p/s : sounds emotional huh?



  1. Aaaa. Seems to me like you got a problem there. Confront that person. Tell em how you really feel inside dan dorang sepatutnya lebih mendengar ape yg cube diterangkan.

  2. Yes. it's sound emotional sangat. memang sangat ramai orang yang selalu nak MENANG bile ade misunderstanding situation tanpe mengambil rasionalnye jawapan orang lain.
    diorang ni asyik berfikiran yang dorang tu bagus. tapi hakikatnye tidak.
    So, bersabarlah. rambut same hitam, hati lainlain. (eh? ade relate ke? lol )

    btw, gambar mamat tu menggambarkan muke hang bile marah ke? heheh. :))

  3. @amy zana : yes , i've got a problem there . a big problem since I born . hehe trying to confront but end up with getting upset by myself :(

    @nina ayra : hehh

    @kamal lee : tulah kan , geramnye , simpan je dlm hati. nk luah tkut kecikkan hti , nk simpan sndiri yg panas hti . haah , muka aq marah tu brutal tk?haha

  4. r u okay? hurmmmm....everyone make mistakes

  5. sabar ye. manusia ni rambut je sama hitam tp hati lain2.

    hati manusia Allah yg pegang, tu psl kita xblh nak selami hati org.

  6. lohhh nape tu mereka?what did dey done to u babe? ;)

  7. memang emosi habis lagi2 tgk gambaq tu dah terbayang DJ di situ,kesalah fahaman sering terjadi semuanya berpunca dari org yg salah faham.crying outside..

  8. sabarlah wahai kawanku. aku tau kau seorang yang sangat penyabar. Huhu, tapi sabar ni ada jugak limit dia eh?
    Explain elok-elok naa :)

  9. @tirah : not so ok.

    @noraim : kna sabar . huhu

    @sarah : org ckp tknk dgr . huhu jd slh phm .

    @fadh : gmbr tu emosi trgmbr . hehh trying to cry outside .

    @dayana : dayan !! thanks yan :') thu tkpe , sbar ad limit tp nseb aq tak meletup cm dulu2. haha


komen biar bijak :) hee

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